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RESUME SI - Pertemuan I

Sistem Informasi
Pertemuan I – Pendahuluan

Sistem Informasi
    Sistem Informasi telah menjadi pondasi bagi model dan proses bisnis
    Sistem Informasi memungkinkan distribusi pengetahuan: suatu sistem komunikasi antara manusia satu dengan yang lainnya
IT and IS
    What is Information Technology (IT)?
    Segala bentuk teknologi yang digunakan manusia untuk menangani informasi
    What are Information Systems (IS)?
    Kumpulan yang teratur dari orang, informasi, proses bisnis dan teknologi informasi yang didesain untuk mengubah input menjadi output, untuk mencapai tujuan
IT and IS
    Examples of IT
    Hardware (PC, UNIX server)
    Software (e-mail, Internet, Windows, Word)
    Consumer devices (mobiles)
    Examples of IS
    File systems
    e-commerce systems
    Enterprise business systems, such as student record systems
Data, Informasi, Informatika
    Data
    Aliran-aliran fakta kasar (raw facts)
    Informasi
    Data yang sudah diolah dan diinterpretasikan sehingga mempunyai arti
    Pengetahuan/Knowledge
    Diperoleh ketika seseorang menggabungkan pengalaman dan penilaian dengan informasi

A knowledge worker is a professional who performs knowledge work.

Examples of verbs associated with the activities of knowledge workers include describe, compile, consolidate, validate, illustrate, analyze, clarify, modify, evaluate, interpret, simulate and communicate.
Knowledge work
Knowledge work is the intellectual activity that is performed by people upon data, information and knowledge in order to discover business options.
    Knowledge work produces mature content.
    Knowledge work differs from automated work, wherein the human element does not significantly contribute to the output of the process.
    From the top-down view of decision-makers, knowledge work is often referred to as decision support.
Knowledge Workers
As a manager or other knowledge worker, you will need to:
    accomplish knowledge work activities
    make sound business decisions
    solve problems
    communicate your decisions to others
    coordinate the efforts of others.

Becoming a Knowledge Worker
According to Peter Drucker: knowledge workers are people who:

    are at the heart of the new economy
    require a good deal of formal education
    require the ability to acquire and to apply theoretical and analytical knowledge
    require a habit of continuous learning

Knowledge Work
Knowledge work involves:

    Discovery
    Transformation
    Analysis
    Synthesis
    Communication
of data, information, and knowledge,
and using the results to make sound academic and sound business decisions.
Two Types of Knowledge
Explicit knowledge - knowledge that is readily codified such as the knowledge in this textbook.

Tacit knowledge - knowledge that is within you that you gained through experience and through insight and discovery.
Value of information
Tangible value
Value of information
Cost of gathering information

Tangible value is measurable
Value of information
Intangible value
Improvements in decision behaviour
Cost of gathering information

Intangible value is difficult or impossible to measure
Management Information Systems (SIM)

    MIS (SIM)
    Studi sistem informasi dengan fokus bagaimana menggunakannya untuk bisnis dan manajemen
    Pendekatan (Approaches)
    Technical
    Behavioural
    Sociotechnical

Kenapa IS penting?
    Agar bisa bertahan dan sejahtera, organisasi perlu:
    Informasi di lokasi yang berbeda (jaringan/networks)
    Dukungan untuk pengiriman produk dan jasa
    Peningkatan efisiensi dan pengurangan biaya untuk memenuhi batasan-batasan legislasi, etik atau moral
    Perubahan dunia:
    Global economy
    Masyarakat berbasis pengetahuan atau informasi
    Perusahaan-perusahaan bisnis besar
    Teknologi

Sistem Informasi - Hardware
    ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)
    UNIVAC I  1st komputer terpasarkan secara luas : mampu melakukan < 2000 perhitungan per detik
    Smaller Computer
    MiniComputer (digunakan u/ perhitungan scientific, small organization)
    MicroComputer (digunakan oleh perorangan.. IBM release Personal Computer(PC))
Sistem Informasi - Hardware
    Moore’s Law
    Gordon Moore, pendiri Intel, 1960  kepadatan IC (kekuatan komputer) meningkat 2x tiap tahun  meningkat 2x tiap 18 bulan

Sistem Informasi – Tipe Software       
    Transaction Processing System (TPS)
    POS, EDP
    Management Information System (MIS)
    Data dari TPS di-olah menjadi laporan2, hasil simulasi
    Decision Support System
    Digunakan membantu manager membuat keputusan (decision making) atas suatu masalah
    Enterprise Resource Planning System
    Sistem yang bisa menangani semua proses bisnis yang saling terkait di semua bagian perusahaan
IS-Type: TPS
Transaction Processing System (TPS)

What do they do? - Capture and process transactions to make them available to the organization.
How does this create business value? – Enables a business to efficiently and accurately track it’s the transactions that are at the heart of all business activities. Captured transaction data can then be used to support decision making.

IS-Type: MIS
Management Information System (MIS)

What do they do? - Provide timely information to decision-makers through processing and reporting features.
How does this create business value? – Timely reporting can enable managers to monitor critical processes and to avoid costly mistakes.

IS-Type: DSS
Decision Support System (DSS)

What do they do? - Provide analytical and visualization tools to support and enhance decision making.
How does this create business value? - Enables decision-makers to make decisions based on data and to discover new business opportunities through the use of tools provided by the IS.
Decision making
    Structured
    Rules and constraints known
    Unstructured
    Rules governing decision are complicated or unknown

Model of decision making
Tahapan Problem Solving

    Aktivitas Intelegensia
    Mencari kondisi yang membutuhkan solusi di lingkungan
    Aktivitas Desain
    Menemukan, membuat dan menganalisis tindakan2 yang mungkin dilakukan
    Aktivitas Pemilihan
    Memilih tindakan tertentu dari tindakan2 yg mungkin
    Aktivitas Pelaksanaan/Implementasi
    Melaksanakan tindakan yang sudah dipilih
    Aktivitas Evaluation/Review
    Melakukan penilaian terhadap pilihan yang sudah diambil pada masa lalu
Levels of decision making
Decision characteristics
Information need for decisions
IS-Type: ERP
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
What do they do? - Integrate and standardize processes and centralize and standardize the storage and management of data.
How does this create business value? - Can reduce costs associated with duplication of processes and effort. Also, can reduce decision-making mistakes made due to multiple versions of the same data, information, and knowledge.
Other systems
    Expert systems (ES)
    Apply knowledge to problem
    Knowledge base
    Rules
    Draw conclusions
    End user computing systems
    Support individual activity
    Create own electronic templates
    Strategic information systems
    Manage competitive environment
Strategic information systems
    Business have to cope with
    New entrants
    Bargaining power of suppliers
    Bargaining power of customers
    Substitute products or services
    Competition with like producers
Strategic information systems
    Cost leadership
    Providing goods at lowest possible cost
    Product differentiation
    Make products distinct
    Innovation
    Finding new approach to organisational  activity
    Respond to market environment
Strategic information systems
    Value chain analysis
    Series of connected activity that adds value to organisation products
    Separate primary and support activities
    Identify areas where value can be added to product
Using information for strategic advantage
    Improve operational efficiency
    E.g. Stock control
    Raising barriers to entry
    Investment in complex systems create entry barrier
    Locking in customers and suppliers
    Strengthening business relationships
Using information for strategic advantage
    Promoting business innovation
    Increasing switching costs
    Discourage customers/suppliers from switching to other competitors
    Leverage
    Use information for other product/business
Masa Depan Teknologi Informasi
Akan di-kendalikan oleh biaya yang semakin berkurang dan meningkatnya kemampuan komputer dan komunikasi
Manager harus belajar untuk menerapkan sistem informasi ke dalam pembuatan keputusan
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